Rhode Island teachers can benefit from several different routes to certification, teacher salaries in excess of the national average and extremely high per-student expenditures totaling in at more than $16,000 (in 2012-13). Rhode Island may be geographically small, but it’s doing big things when it comes to creating a sound public education infrastructure.
Math Teacher Certification in Rhode Island
Math Teaching Qualifications
All Rhode Island teachers are required to meet the following criteria in order to qualify for certification: bachelor’s degree, completion of teacher preparation program and successful completion of the requisite basic skills and subject area competency examinations.
Credentials & Exams
- Certificate of Eligibility for Employment (CEE): This three-year license is issued to prospective teachers who have met the basic requirements for certification but are not employed in a Rhode Island school or district. Upon securing a teaching position, candidates may then apply for a Professional Transitional Certificate.
- Math Certification: Interested teachers can also take advantage of Rhode Island’s mathematics certification process. There are three different options, with each option containing its own list of requirements.
- Option 1: Middle/Secondary Grades Mathematics (Only for teaching one level).
- Option 2: Extend an Elementary Education Teacher certificate.
- Option 3: Extend a Secondary Grades Mathematics Certificate.
- Reciprocity: Teachers who have completed an approved teacher education program in another state in the past five years or have been issued a full teaching certificate in another state are eligible to apply for a Rhode Island teaching certificate through reciprocity. The teacher must demonstrate that he or she meets the Rhode Island certification and experience requirements.
Alternative Certification for Math Teachers
Prospective teachers who have graduated from an accredited college or university (with a bachelor’s degree in a subject other than education) and who have not pursued a traditional teaching certificate may be eligible to apply for a Rhode Island alternative program certificate. Qualifying alternative certification programs at a college or university, professional organization or private institution must be comparable to that of a traditional teacher education program.
Financial Aid for RI Math Teachers
- Robert Sine Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence in Math: This privately-funded scholarship is awarded to prospective math teachers studying at the University of Rhode Island.
- Gregory & Anna Demetrakas Scholarship: This privately-funded scholarship is for math majors at the University of Rhode Island in continuing education.
- Roderick P.C. Caldwell Math Department Scholarship Endowment: This scholarship is awarded to math majors studying at the University of Rhode Island.
Math Teaching Degrees in Rhode Island
Below we've listed all of the Rhode Island math teacher education programs in our database. We're constantly scouring the web to find new programs to add, so feel free to check back frequently.
2 schools shownFilter School Results
Fast Facts for Rhode Island Math Teachers
Educator Licensing
Rhode Island Department of Education
255 Westminster St.
Providence, RI 02903
Common Core
Common Core Standards adopted July 2010; implemented 2013-14. Learn more about math standards for Rhode-island here.
Math Teacher Jobs
Professional Associations
Teacher Shortages in Math
Rhode Island reported teacher shortages in general education mathematics in 2014-15 in grades 6-12.Expenditure per Student: $17,666
Rhode Island’s public K-12 expenditures per student in fall 2012-13 enrollment totaled $17,666, or 154.6% of the national average. (Source: NEA)